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PNGAA Photo Gallery

Permission to use photographs should be obtained from the authors or check with PNGAA.

There is also a list of galleries in order of accession or you can search for author or subject.


Family snapshots of aviation in PNG, 1935-1973, Dennis Gray
Highlands miscellany, Siebrand Petrusma
One of the Early Birds: Derek (Jos) Elwyn Crisp, David Montgomery

Provinces and Districts

Two or more Provinces

Popondetta, Wanigela, Rabaul, and Bougainville, 1965-1975, Jim Vanderkamp
Madang, the Schrader ranges, Minj, 1970, Tony de Beer
Morobe - Northern Districts 1966-70, Mike Slough

Sandaun (West Sepik)

May River, West Sepik, 1963-64, Trevor Freestone
Pagei, West Sepik, 1966-67, Trevor Freestone

East Sepik

Ambunti, East Sepik, 1964-65, Trevor Freestone

Milne Bay

Trobriand Islands, 1965, Jim Vanderkamp
Amphlett Islands, 1965, Jim Vanderkamp
Ferguson Islands, 1965-66, Jim Vanderkamp
Goodenough Island, 1965, Jim Vanderkamp
Marshall Bennett and Laughlan Islands, 1966, Jim Vanderkamp
Normanby Island, 1966, Jim Vanderkamp
Old Samarai, circa 1906, Shea/Lock

Western Highlands

Western Highlands, 1967, Jim Vanderkamp

Eastern Highlands

Henganofi, 1957-59, Ross Johnson
Goroka Show, 1957-58, Ross Johnson

Central/National Capital

Hula, 1964-65, Bob Grieve
Port Moresby, 1963, Bob Grieve
Tapini, 1966-68, Bob Grieve


Lae, Wau and Bulolo, 1962, Bob Grieve
Morobe Goldfields, pre-WW2, Michael Waterhouse

Simbu (Chimbu)

Chimbu Pig Festival, 1961, David Craig



13 November 2005 Kiap Reunion, Fred Seefeld
Buderim Exkiap's Reunion 2003

District Services

From the source of the Fly to the source of the Sepik - Min Tribes, John McGregor (1968), R. Hoad (1964, B&W)
Various stations, 1957 to 1967, Neil Lucas


Teacher in PNG, 1961-1975, Kevin Lock
Education: Rabaul, Aitape, Maprik, 1963-1972, Paul Dennett


Queen Emma
The Ian Skinner Collection: Photos taken by kiap Ian Skinner between 1938 and 1958
The Frances Lasker Collection, 1947-1949, Anne Webster
1930s Photos of Rabaul, Morobe Goldfields, Lae and Miscellaneous, EA (Ted) Hawnt (1910-1976): permission to reproduce granted by Janet Dykgraaff, Ted Hawnt's niece
PNG Golden Oldies, 1884-1975, mainly circa 1960, Chris Read
A visit to Rabaul, Kokopo and Port Moresby, March-April 2008, Andrea William
Letters from a Hundred Years Ago: a tale of love and tragedy, Shea/Lock
Snaps from a missionary's camera (early 1900s), John Margetts
Windows of Papua New Guinea 1958-1976, Harley Dickinson



Christmas 2001 and 60th Anniversary of PNG Evacuees
2002 Annual General Meeting
Christmas 2003 Luncheon

Christmas Dinner, 2010
Christmas Lunch, 2012
Canberra Reunion, 3 October 2004, Mike Cockburn
Patrick Lindsay Literary Events (November 2010)
PNGAA Symposium Dinner, 17 September 2014


Rabaul Centenary Celebrations (24 October 2010)
Rabaul eruption 1994, Some eye-popping photos from Chris Read
Tavurvur erupting in Rabaul, October 2006, Russell Dobson
Rabaul 11-foot Tsunami, July/August 1971, George Oakes
Rabaul prior to Eruption, Andrea Williams

Tributes, memorials and dedications

Sharing Histories: Kiap tribute event at the National Archives of Australia, 20 November 2010
Unveiling of Montevideo Maru plaque, Hellships Memorial, Subic Bay, 1 July 2009
Dedication of NGVR/ANGAU and PIR Memorial Plaques, Australian War Museum, 15 May 2007
Dedication of the Lark Force and Montevideo Maru Memorial Plaque, Ballarat RSL, 11 November 2011
70th Anniversary Commemorative Luncheon and the Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Memorial Dedication, 30 June & 1 July 2012


Rugby Union Beginnings in PNG, Dennis Bradney
New Guinea National Football League, 1960/61, Hugh Maher