Central Province
-The silhouette of a Lakatoi canoe represents tradition.
It is set over a blue background representing the sea. A
large star (for Central Province) and five smaller stars
(the 5 districts) are set over a red background
representing the land. |
East New Britain
Province - A green stripe separates red and blue
triangles. Four white stars over the blue represent the
national flag. Traditional shell money surrounds a
circle. Masks of Tolai (dukduk) and Baining dancers are
in the centre. |
East Sepik Province
- In the upper right quarter, a yellow bird of
paradise (representing the national flag) is set over a
red background. In the lower left quarter, a haus
tambaran (for the hill and plains people), crocodile
(for the river people), shark (for the coast people),
kundu and garamut drums, spear and lime pot
(representing culture) are set over a green background.
Eastern Highlands
Province - Red and green triangles form the
background. Inside a large yellow star in the centre, a
legendary one-legged man named Nokondi holds a coffee
branch (the provinceĀ¹s main cash crop). The star has 6
points (for the six districts). It is surrounded by 8
smaller stars (for the local government councils).
Enga Province -
The background is divided into black (for the national
flag) and green (for vegetation) triangles. At the
centre is a yellow, black and white dendrobium engae
orchid (the provincial flower). |
Gulf Province -
Inside a blue background, 2 crocodiles (rivers) surround
a disc with a white seagull (representing the people)
over red, and the Southern Cross (representing the 5
original districts) over black.
Madang Province
Red, yellow and black stripes (representing the national
flag) form the background. Six white stars represent the
6 districts. In black and white, Madang's memorial to
the Coastwatchers of the Second World War is surrounded
by coconut palm branches (for agriculture) and a slit
drum (for tradition).. |
Manus Province
A yellow Manus Friarbird flies over brown (land) and
blue (sea) triangles. The 5 Manus Green Snails represent
the five regions. |
Milne Bay Province
- Stripes of green (for plants) and white (for beaches)
are shown on the left. A square is divided into
triangles of blue (for the sea) and red (for festivals).
A yellow star on red represents the Eastern Star (a
seafarer's guide).
Morobe Province
- The background stripes are green (for vegetation),
yellow (for Markham Valley) and blue (for the sea). A
white bird of paradise (representing animal life), white
pig's tusks (traditional exchange), a brown and yellow
kundu drum (for festivals) and spears (for traditional
warfare) are at the centre.
New Ireland
Province - The Southern Cross (a guide to seafarers
and indicator of the seasons) is shown over a blue
background for the sea. A silhouette of a paradise
drongo (a bird found only in New Ireland) is shown on an
orange background.
North Solomons
Province - The flag is dark blue signifying the
Pacific Ocean; green in the circle signifies the rich
island; the jaggered white shell is traditional money;
the black signifies the dark skin color of its
inhabitants and is unique in the Pacific, the hat in the
centre (Upe)is worn by young men at the transition
period from adolescence to manhood. The stripes on the
hat (red-centre) stands for men and the stripes at the
side for women. |
Oro Province -
A gold strip of tapa cloth with red and black markings
(representing culture) and a yellow Queen Alexandra
Birdwing butterfly (representing wildlife) cover a green
background (for vegetation).
Simbu Province
- The Bird of Paradise and Southern Cross from the
national flag are combined with two red spears
(representing leadership), a white chain (for unity) and
a yellow coffee branch (for the main cash crop). |
Sandaun Province
- Black and red triangles form the background, with
the gold bird of paradise symbol from the national flag
set over the red. Six stars (representing the 6
districts) are set above a light blue setting sun with
yellow rays (the provincial symbol).
Southern Highlands
Province - A black stripe separates red (upper
right) and green (lower left) triangles. Seven white
stars (for the 7 districts) cover the red and green. A
cassowary head (representing traditional exchange) and
two spears (for defence) are set in yellow over the
black. |
Western Highlands
Province - A white stripe (for peace) separates
triangles of green (for vegetation) and black (from the
National flag). Stars represent the 3 geographic
regions. The Provincial emblem is set over the green
Western Province
- The black and red of the national flag form borders
around a gold square holding the provincial emblem. The
emblem, in black outline, includes a head-dress with
white wing feathers of the crane (for unity) and a bow
and arrows (for tradition).
West New Britain
Province - The national flag is set next to an area
of blue (for the sea) with a white, brown and gold conch
shell (representing communication). |