Vale, March 1987

CHESTER, William (Bill 4)
INKSTER, Allan (Blue)
MILLER, Roy (Dusty)

Roy (Dusty) MILLER (December 1986)

Was a veteran DCA groundsman retiring to Bribie. He leaves a widow, Margaret.

William (Bill 4) CHESTER (17 December 1986, aged 91)

Retired in 1956 from PWD. Doyen of the well known Papuan family.

Allan (Blue) INKSTER (8 January 1987)

Served with RAAF Middle East and PNG, returning there with DCA. Was then a soldier settler at Popondetta, later joined PWD eventually becoming unofficial Mayor of Popondetta.

Harry BITMEAD (1 February 1987)

Retired 1965. Popular pre- and post-war Medical Assistant. He leaves a widow and a son John.

Rodney TIMPERLEY (24 February 1987)

A son of Kay and the late Alan Timperley (ex-DC), he died suddenly in Brisbane.